A Code Monkey's Blog

Install nVidia Driver on Fedora 17: A Non-typical Case

Finally I succeeded in installing the nVidia driver on my old Dell Inspiron 530 geared an old nVidia 8300 GS video card running Fedora 17 i386. Here is a quick recap on my journey with Fedora 17.

I started constantly using Fedora 17 half a year ago. I had used ...

Perl one liner: replace text in mulple files

Today I got some time to improve my tech blog with Octopress. I found that I couldn't use the different letter cases as the same category name. Otherwise the category page wouldn't show correct number of links to the posts under that category. For example, I had to ...

Nomachine and GNOME Redraw Problem

I use Nomachine a lot when I work from home. My home and work Linux desktop are both running GNOME 3. There were a problem disturbing me for a while. Everything works fine at workplace probably due to the supper fast local internet connection. But when I connected to the ...

Quickly look up a word or phrase from commandline

I wrote two very short Bash functions to help me quickly look up a word or phrase using elinks. You can use w3m as you wish but elinks shows a better layout in my eyes.

# look up on urbandictionary.com

ub () {
 elinks www.urbandictionary.com/${a// /%20}

# look up ...