A Code Monkey's Blog

How to quote long command in Perl system()

If you call external command in your Perl code with system() and your command is very long, you must want to break it into multi-line but the newline characters really get in the way.  Here is a good way, IMHO,  to make the code look neat and clean:

# Annotate the target and landmark image
system single_line( "
 convert -background black -fill white label:'Target Landmarks' miff:- | composite -gravity north
 -geometry +0+3 - $target_with_lmk_filename $target_with_lmk_filename

sub single_line {
 my @strings = @_;
 foreach ( @strings ) {
 s/\n/ /g;
 s/\r/ /g;
 return wantarray? @strings : $strings[0];

Credit due to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3707262/how-can-i-quote-a-long-string-in-perl

The biggest advantage of this method over string concatenation operator "." is that it is easier to re-align your code in Vim since your command is not messed with quotation marks.