I'm a little tired of checking out the weather condition via the web browser. In many cases I just want to see a short report in my terminal. After readingĀ http://blogs.perl.org/users/zengargoyle/2012/08/not-to-hot-for-mojo.html, which shows how to use Mojolicious to retrieve the current condition and http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/4821/get-the-weather-forecast-for-the-next-24-to-48-for-your-location, which shows how to retried the forecast, I finally wrote something like this
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# FILE: weather.pl
# USAGE: ./weather.pl
# VERSION: 1.0
# CREATED: 09/13/2012 10:31:39 PM
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use Mojolicious;
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my $dom = $ua->get('http://w1.weather.gov/xml/current_obs/KCID.xml')->res->dom;
my $temp = $dom->find('temperature_string')->[0]->text;
my $weather = $dom->find('weather')->[0]->text;
say "KCID ", $temp, " ", $weather, "\n";
$dom =
for my $e ($dom->find('simpleforecast forecastday')->each) {
my $day = $e->date->day->text;
my $month = substr $e->date->monthname->text, 0, 3;
my $weekday = substr $e->date->weekday->text, 0, 3;
my $condition = $e->conditions->text;
my $high = $e->high->fahrenheit->text;
my $low = $e->low->fahrenheit->text;
printf "%s %s %s, Low: %d, High: %d, %s\n", $weekday, $month, $day, $low, $high, $condition;
This is how it runs from the terminal:
[zandyware@zandyware] bin $ ./weather.pl
KCID 63.0 F (17.2 C) Fair
Tue Sep 25, Low: 46, High: 81, Clear
Wed Sep 26, Low: 39, High: 70, Clear
Thu Sep 27, Low: 45, High: 70, Clear
Fri Sep 28, Low: 46, High: 70, Partly Cloudy
Sat Sep 29, Low: 45, High: 72, Clear
Sun Sep 30, Low: 41, High: 73, Clear