Our project is consider migrating from subversion to git. I'm quite happy that git can totally serve as a svn client. You can use git to branch and merge locally and commit into svn to let other developers know about your changes. It sounds more flexible than centralized repository like CVS and Subversion.
After getting my hands dirty with git for a while, I'm tempted to migrate my personal repository from subversion to git too. Even though git is a decentralized version control system but people still need a remote backup hosting. This is where github.com sits in. Since I want my repository kept private, github.com is not my list. Also I wish free git hosting can offer at least 2gb space. Bettercodes.org was my previous choice but its host is located in Ireland, the connection speed is very slow and its UI is not very easy to use. Today I found assembla.com located in United States offers 2gb free git hosting. I gave it a short and so far so good. The access is very fast. It supports https connection, much safer than bettercodes.org and my current free svn hosting.
I found this post is very helpful for svn user switching to git. http://www.fnokd.com/2008/08/20/mirroring-svn-repository-to-github/