If you call external command in your Perl code with system() and your command is very long, you must want to break it into multi-line but the newline characters really get in the way. Here is a good way, IMHO, to make the code look neat and clean:
# Annotate the target and landmark image
system single_line( "
convert -background black -fill white label:'Target Landmarks' miff:- | composite -gravity north
-geometry +0+3 - $target_with_lmk_filename $target_with_lmk_filename
sub single_line {
my @strings = @_;
foreach ( @strings ) {
s/\n/ /g;
s/\r/ /g;
return wantarray? @strings : $strings[0];
Credit due to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3707262/how-can-i-quote-a-long-string-in-perl
The biggest advantage of this method over string concatenation operator "." is that it is easier to re-align your code in Vim since your command is not messed with quotation marks.